Our Projects

Explore our portfolio to see the diverse range of projects that showcase our capabilities.


The online jewelry store that was built on Laravel with a MySQL database, provides a flawless shopping experience with a secure payment system, accessible UI, and vast product catalog. Integrated user and order management, dynamic search and filtering, a shopping cart, and an admin panel for managing users and products are all included. The platform uses CDN integration, authentication, encryption, and caching to ensure security and performance. Docker is used for deployment, while CI/CD pipelines are used for maintenance.

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Powered by Yii Framework and MySQL, the automobile Rental Service project makes automobile rentals easier than they've ever been. A dashboard full of features for simple listing and reservation administration is beneficial to administrators. It's quite easy for users to browse, book, and manage rentals. Anyone may easily navigate the system because of its easy design. This platform consistently provides trustworthy, safe, and effective service.

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PHP and MySQL are used by the ARE Foundation project to build a dynamic website that encourages and supports philanthropic endeavors. The foundation's goal, programs, and safe contribution process are all conveniently accessible, and you can remain informed with its impact stories and interesting publications. A digital magazine is another aspect of the site that informs supporters about the most recent events and accomplishments.

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Armenian Heritage

Laravel and MySQL are used by the Donate Support Programs project to automate charity donations. Along with an online magazine for the most recent developments, it has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to explore support programs, make donations, and keep track of their contributions. The platform guarantees dependability and security due to MySQL's dependable data processing and Laravel's strong architecture.

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A complex online application known as the Kerbedanz Watches project was created to highlight the high-end watches manufactured by Kerbedanz. With a tech stack that consists of MySQL for the database, Laravel for the backend, and Next.js for the front end, the platform provides a smooth and aesthetically pleasing user experience. Effective data management is ensured by the application's strong Laravel API backend.

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Polygon System

Built using Laravel and PostgreSQL, our portfolio website has a responsive user interface, a secure backend for project administration and user authentication, and reliable data storage. For interactive presentation of 3D objects, it contains a 3D model viewer, providing smooth user interaction and fast loading times.

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For a smooth and adaptive user experience, our automobile rental website has a dynamic frontend created using Next.js and a solid backend API created with Laravel. MySQL ensures reliable data storage, while the backend manages user authentication, vehicle administration, booking procedures, and payment integration.

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